Inspired by comedy, creativity,
conversations & compassion
to create a collaborative community

I’ve only been in LA for eight weeks, so I haven’t fully jumped into any real groups or a routine for that matter. Most of my time has been spent settling in and trying to control my panic attacks. Otherwise I’m doing what I can to get involved in the comedy scene.

When I first got here, I was intimidated by the LA standup scene. Now, two months in… it’s still intimidating. I also realize that at least those of us trying to “make it” are in the same place. That place is often a small random room in the back of a bar, a comic bookstore, under a highway, or above a Chinese restaurant, but at least we’re not alone. The open mic scene is… well, nobody wants to stay in that scene forever, but it’s still cool, because you never know who you’re seeing, who they might become. Maybe they’re the next fill in the blank with your favorite comedian. It’s LA and everybody has a chance! Granted, that also means that EVERYBODY has a chance, but I’m an optimist. I choose to look at this as a positive thing. (For now. Check in with me a year from now.)

From the KCRW  blog

Starting Out Small In The LA Comedy Scene

So how many places are we hoping to hit tonight? Three maybe four. One in Hollywood, one in Los Feliz, one in Echo Park and then one in Pasadena. One is like a weird art gallery like in a basement in Echo Park, one’s an upstairs room of a Chinese Restaurant, one’s a coffee shop and one is like the back area of a pool hall. Aren’t you afraid of bombing? Like that seems like an extraordinarily painful experience. Yes, it’s horrible. It’s the worst. I’m nervous today because I like bombed the last few so I’m feeling a little antsy about that but it does it feels awful and if not everything else in your life is going perfectly I mean it can really send you into a horrible downward spiral.

Read the entire article HERE.

SO Note: Follow blogger Matt Holzman on Twitter @KCRW_Matt!