Inspired by comedy, creativity,
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David Dean

Urban Cone Interview

Nearly one year ago, from the depths of Sweden’s prominent electronic music scene, emerged Stockholm ensemble Urban Cone. As time encroaches on the first anniversary of the band’s celebrated debut single “Urban Photograph”, it seems many are watching... Read More...

Ancient Crux Interview

I’m not going to preface this article with a bunch of things we all know; that the Internet helps bands to get their music out to audiences and keep in touch with them. We’re at least halfway through that digital era, so I won’t bore you with tha... Read More...

Interview With Pink Skull

An expanded lineup finds Pink Skull founding members Julian Grefe and Justin Geller evolving from East Coast staples to the house band for much of undiscovered space. Following the release of 2009’s Endless Bummer comes a new album to be released Sep... Read More...

David Dean

David is the publisher of Serial Optimist and writer of things that hopefully make people smile. You can also find him on MTV, HelloGiggles, Village Voice, Splitsider, and Thought Catalog amongst others. He is a comedy nerd and pop culture obsessive who loves crossing the line, a good story and original beauty.